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Organisation and Team

Alex has joined the team since last year. He is very optimistic, caring and compassionate. After a month he realized that the team wasn't giving optimum performance. He was behind identifying reason for the issue. He interacted with each of his team member one on one and realized that they are all demotivated. People come every day to finish their work; they want to portray that they are the best in the job and a valuable resource. Most of his team members were good at an individual level, only problem is the team as a whole was not the best.

One day after evening prayer he was reading the bible, St. Paul's letter to Corinthians chapter 12. He realized that throughout that chapter Paul was trying to make a team out of a group. He got inspired by the ideology of treating organization as a body and its parts. There are differences between people, and that is the essence of the body. A team is best when composed of people with complementary skills.

Next day, he went with a new energy and motivation. He needed to share the attitude of working like a body. From that day onward, when his team mates come to him, he asserted on communicating working like a body. "An individual is a part of the bodylike a hand, eye, lungs, liver or intestine or even an ass. But all these are essential, all these part work their job for the common good. When any of this part gets injured, other elements don't ignore them and keep doing their own work. They modify their operation to give space to heal injuries. The moment any part starts working against any other, and then the body gets injured and eventually dies. So let's be like the parts of body and grow like a body.

